Devastated, confused and lost.


I'm 37, no kids. My fiancé and I were TTC even before the wedding because of our ages. A week after our last effort during ovulation he called off our wedding, basically out of nowhere. He never said he was unhappy. Even after the TTC sex he held me and said he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with me. Then a week later, he ended it. I know it wasn't the fact that we were TTC because he always expressed his desire to be a father He bought me all the ovulation kits and other items that go along wth TTC. Now 2 months later, I'm still incredibly distraught over this. He said he's still in love with me and sexually attracted to me but feels like we're not right for each other. I asked him what that means and he never explained. I'm still in shock. I feel hopeless now. I'll be 38 this year and my time is fast running out to have a family. I don't know what I did wrong and when I asked him, he says I didn't do anything wrong. WTF?? Like what the actual fuck is happening here??? He still texts me everyday, expresses his desire to have sex with me, jokes around about getting me pregnant, tells me he loves, etc. I'm so confused right now and I don't know how to feel. I want to be a mother so badly and I wanted my fiancé to father my children. Now I feel incredibly depressed because I feel like I need to accept that I won't have time to have my own kids. Not only did this guy break my heart, I feel like he robbed me of my final chance to ever have a family. I know there are other options but I can't seem to wrap my head around that right now. I'm at a loss for what to do, I'm struggling emotionally in so many ways and for so many reasons. I don't know how to move forward from here.