doctor getting mad at me πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

i do A LOT of research.. any time i have questions about something pregnancy related, i research it and research it.. at the end of every appointment, my doctor asks if i have any questions, and when i say no, he gets mad... i truly dont have any questions... ive researched everything i need to know and ive also spoken to plenty of other people who just recently had babies to get their experience on the things i ever have questions about.. i feel like since im young, and i dont ask questions, he thinks less of me and judges me, and it really bothers me.. im 35 weeks so i dont have many appointments left but im just tired of feeling like he judges me every single time... what kind of stuff do you ladies think i should be asking that i may not know as much about as i think i do? i'd really like to be as prepared as possible, so if there's more to learn and have knowledge on, i want the knowledge.. i just personally dont have any questions i can think of that i would like to ask so it's hard