Needing some advice

I have been with my SO for about 2 1/2 years now and have ttcing for about a year i i have been working at my job for almost a year now in a nice hotel .for the past couple months he has been accusing me of sleeping with one of my coworkers without a reason he has never seen me talk as as talk to this guy he just assumed for whatever crazy reason in his head that he thinks me and this guy had something going on

He ask me almost every day about this guy ..and he gets so upset talking about this guy you would think he caught us in the matter what i say to him he doesn’t believe me i told him if we ever get into it over this guy again its gonna be over with !!!because its stressing me out to have to deal with something that im actually not doing anyway fast forward to last night we were supposed to be going to a concert together me him and a few of his friends ...we get there it’s jumping im having fun dancing just relaxing having fun

WELLL out a no where i see him looking across the room looking really upset so im like

Thinking somebody bumped into him or stepped on his shoe buttt nooooo when i looked in the direction he was looking why the hell it was my coworker standing a few feet from us so im like why are you mad that he is here so he actually went over there to say something to the guy (dont know what he said ) but i was pretty embarrassed because he made it seem like he had beef with someone so everybody turning around looking trying to see what’s going on his friends walked up to the guy thinking that there was a problem but he is not telling them the real deal so i put my jacket on and walked out the room he comes following behind me one of friends behind him trying to figure whats going so i told him to just take me home or i will get a cab and go home but he had my house keys so i kept telling him to let me get my keys he wouldnt give them to me then out a no where he threw the rest of his drink in my face ...when i tell you I turned red 😡i was pissed and embarrassed at the same dam time all he kept saying is i knew the guy would be there im like how the fuck am I suppose to know what ppl are gonna do (mind you i dont have this guys number we barely talk at work and ive only known him since working there ) he is not my friend or my associate just a coworker...i told him that its over between us and i wont be seeing him again because obviously he has trust issues ...this is not the first time he has accused me or asked me if im sleeping with a guy that i dont know i keep trying to work things out with him but i have enough and all he do is keep apologizing saying that he know he crossed the line and he shouldnt have taken it that far question is is this type of thing forgiveable i dont think so but i want to know if im overreacting by saying its over ???