Husband in jail, 8 months pregnant. Gotta vent.

So tonight my parents took my hubby and I out and paid everything. My hubby got drunk and wanted to fight a man shit talking my hubby well dad stopped it multiple times and finally my hubby left but had to be drug to the car. Well in the car dad and hubby fought for first time ever and hubby jumped out of car. Someone called cops and we got pulled over trying to catch him and turn around well cops caught him first and he ran when they went to spotlight him and now got arrested if he didn’t run he wouldn’t have been arrested. My dad got out of truck to see if he could be released and go home and they said no because he ran and ordered my dad to get in truck before he’d get arrested too. Now he’s in jail 12 hours before bond and I can’t bond him since I don’t work they won’t let me sign for that reason. His moms a bitch and won’t sign and my parents now hate him and won’t sign. I’m so lost and heartbroken I don’t know what to do. To make it worse I’m 8 months pregnant. 😭

Thanks for listening to me vent. I have nobody in my town that I’m friends with to talk to about this. Please nothing harsh I am an very emotional pregnant woman right now, never imagined this to happen. Hubby has never acted out like this and my parents and him used to be like best friends. 💔