My baby weighs what?! Our birth story 💙


Ever since my first ultrasound at 15 weeks my doctor was amazed at how grown my little peanut was. I was almost 10 pounds at birth and so was my SO. So I was mentally preparing myself everyday of my pregnancy!

Finally as the days drew near to my due date, baby Noah was measuring to be already 7 lbs! And estimated to be over 9 lbs and 21/22 inches long at 40 weeks! I wanted to cry at the thought of pushing out such a big baby (my first baby)! But I was ready to do what ever I need to do to meet him!

At 38 weeks + 3 days I started laboring and found my waters to be only at a 6 and gradually dropping more and more. My doctor decided to induce me within 3 day! 1-12-18 at 6 am was the day!

The night before my induction I started to heavily cramp ( I assumed stress or from the membrane sweep I had a few days prior) I told my SO jokingly I was going to go into labor before my induction. I woke up at 4 am with period cramps that would hunch me over just about every two minutes! Called into L&D; where they told me to rush in as soon as possible.

Within that week I had already gone from a 1 cm on Monday to a 3.5 on Friday when I got to my induction. I did start labor all on my own just two hours before I was going to be induced! But because my waters were so low and baby was getting stressed, they did decide to give me pitocin to speed up my labor and make sure I had baby boy that same day.

At 5 am we got to our laboring room

At 7:30 the doctor ordered the pitocin and we started from there!

I was left to labor in my room with my SO and mom. I had said I did not want an epidural as first choice and would be okay with iv pain meds before anything. But labor went SOO smooth! I was able to still laugh and talk through my contractions. I was in a small amount of pain but I really thought I’d be able to handle an all natural birth.

At 10:30 they checked my cervix and I was still stalled at a 3.5 cm! They upped my pitocin all the way to a 7!

At 11:45, I felt a very painful pop and out came all of my water and mucus plug on the floor! I was checked and only at a 4 cm! After my water broke it was all down hill, the pain was so unbearable. I was throwing up and having a very hard time staying hydrated. I also felt the uncomfortable urge to poop like every second!

My mom works in open heart surgery so she had arranged for an anesthesiologist to be there for me ASAP when and if I wanted an epidural. I felt so discouraged that I caved into getting the epidural and that I wanted to get it at only 4 cm dilated! I had always said I wanted to get it at a 7 and that was that. IF I even wanted it.

At 2 pm The dr came in within just a few minutes and set me up with an epidural. I was then dilated to a 5 cm. RELIEF! I no longer felt like I was going to poop all over my bed 😝 and the pain instantly stopped. It was AMAZING. I was so happy I would be able to enjoy the final moments of my pregnancy and the moments of us meeting our son for the first time.

At 5:30 pm I was still 100% numb but all of a sudden my body started pushing as if I was constipated and needed to GO 💩 💩 I called in my nurse and she checked me. 10cm and baby boys head was peaking out! Little man was ready to go! She called the doctor to come into my room and said we’d start to practice push but to hold off on the urge for just a few moments!

At 6 pm we started to practice push with each contraction i FELT. Easier said than done lol I watched the monitors so I knew when I was having one and would focus of my stomach pulling. I’d use all of that energy and PUSH. I pushed for about 30 minutes with lots of breaks because baby was getting stressed in between pushes. The doctor came in and told me push with all my might because he was just about to be half way out. I pushed a few more times are felt him POP. They put him on me and I was shocked. He was a LITTLE peanut!!!

I had a second degree episiotomy cut and lots of stitches (that I didn’t feel) all the pain I have is in my butt! Lol and I didn’t even poop 💩

He passed his all his newborn tests with flying colors. He was born 1-12-18 at 7:12 pm. Gestational age 38 weeks and 6 days. From contractions to birth it was only 15 hours!

Noah Matthew

A whopping 5 pounds 8.5 ounces! 19 inches long! 💙👶🏻 our real life baby doll. He’s already the sweetest baby boy ever 💕

Day before labor!