How to show him I appreciate him?


So I'll keep this brief, I suffer from BPD (borderline personality disorder) and it puts a massive strain on my 2 1/2 relationship, he is always the one who calms me down, who is on the receiving end of my outbursts and episodes. He has to listen to me sob and breakdown and he consistently pulls through and has helped me through some of the toughest situations I've ever been in.

I tell him all the time how much I love and appreciate him, but I was hoping to maybe garner some ideas as to maybe something home made that I could do to show my appreciation? I always do nice little meals and such so I don't feel like a nice dinner would be what I'd want to do. I have no idea exactly of what I'm going for but I just want to show this man how special he is to me.

Thank you for any suggestions!