Just a rant sorry

So I broke up with my bf about 2 months ago and at the same time I started having feelings for a guy at my work. Once it was over the work guy admitted that he liked me too but it was too early to do anything about it and he wasn't ready for a relationship which is fine. So we've been hanging out and hooking up but anytime I say I like him now he insists we're just friends. But if I mention any other guy he says he "doesn't like sharing" and I can't sleep with anyone but him. Basically I'm just confused. I get hes not ready to commit but then I don't think he has the right to say what he has. I'm making it sound like he's a dick but he's not. It's made all the more complicated because my best friend at work had a thing with him and still likes him and gives him a hard time about it. ughhh idk thoughts?