Measuring 6w2d no heartbeat

So going by LMP, I would be 8 weeks, but my cycles are around 36 days. I scheduled an appt thinking I was atleast 7 and this is what we seen.

My paperwork says Gestational sac with yolk sac, no fetal pole or heartbeat present.

We’ve been trying to conceive for 4years and for our first pregnancy (he’s almost 5) had to go on hormones due to PCOS! This pregnancy was all natural!! :)

So with my son, we were able to detect a heartbeat so much earlier so of coarse I am freaking out.

Did anyone else have an ultrasound with no heartbeat and everything turn out fine at next appt? This is going to be the longest 10 days of my life!! 😭

Thankyou all :)