weight gain

Angela • Momma to 2 bio sons and 1 adopted daughter. 3rd pregnancy, 4th baby!

I feel like crap all the time. I've got every cold and flu that's been going around so far this season. I can't eat anything nutritious anymore thanks to these stupid vitamins and iron supplements. Nothing is appetizing so I don't eat much. I'm still breastfeeding my toddler while growing a baby so I'm supposed to be getting an extra 600 calories per day. I was eating 2200+ calories before getting pregnant but now it's probably closer to 1500 and a lot of that comes from fluids. I'm 11 weeks and have lost atleast 2 lbs since becoming pregnant which doesn't sound like a lot but considering that I've been maintaining my weight despite trying to lose it for about a year now, it's pretty crazy that I've lost any at all when I should be starting to gain. i gained like 10 lbs in my first tri with my first pregnancy. My midwives were a lot more concerned with that than they are with losing weight it seems. My question for everyone is how much have you gained or lost so far? Anyone having similar experiences?