9 days late, Negative Test

Cyierra • Momma to Brooklyn AnnaLee born June 4th 2019

Hello guys! So my cycle is officially 9 days late. My last period started on Dec. 7th it is now Jan. 15th, and normally my cycle runs about 30-32 days. Well it is now officially day 40. This is latest my cycle has ever been (it was once 36 days but it's never been this long!). I've taken 3 cheap dollar tree test with first morning pee throughout the week (took last one Saturday morning and today is monday) and I've only gotten Negitives. I haven't been stressed as a matter of fact I was on vacation for christmas. I've been bloated, getting headaches and dizziness upon waking and It felt like the room was spinning. My breasts feel a little fuller but they aren't exactly sore. I've also been nauseous but I have Chrones disease so that's pretty normal? Does anyone have any advise for me? Could it still be pregnancy if I'm 9 days late with BFNs?