Let down by my partner

I don’t know if this post should be in here or the rant room. It is regarding ttc. So please tell me if I need to move it.

A year ago we conceived our second child.4 months in, we so sadly lost it.

I was ready to try again before he was, which I was totally fine with. Eventually he came to me and was ready. It’s hard to just have sex with our toddler who isn’t the best sleeper but we said we would work around it.

He constantly asks me when my fertile time is, agreed we try preseed etc. however, we only ever have sex once or twice a month during the window. It’s not that he secretly not ready, I’d know. And last month, the two times we did it, he initiated it. And forever says how badly he wants another.

But twice a month isn’t cutting it. It’s not working. All month he says how we will do it like every night of my window. Then when it comes to it, he doesn’t say anything. Or says he’s so tired.

I’ve tried spicing it up. And not even mentioning my window, so it doesn’t seem that’s all we’re doing it for, but it makes no difference.

He just goes to sleep.

I am breaking. And I don’t know why he’s doing this.