

For 2 years now-since I stopped the Patch-I haven’t had a regular cycle (I also have PCOS). Aug-Nov of 2017 I finally had it 3 straight months, same time each month. I skipped in Dec. Have been using tests periodically since my missed period, just in case, but all have been neg. Before this morning, the last one was last Wed or Thurs and was clearly neg. This morning (with FMU) I got a super faint line (I think it’s easier to see in person, but I admit even then it’s faint). With my cycle being off I have no idea when I would have ovulated so I don’t know if this is possible and/or if the test is a fluke. I only tested because the past couple days I’ve been nauseous and suddenly threw up out of nowhere early yesterday morning and my breasts have been achey/sensitive. Do I have hopeful line eyes or is there actually something there? If you see it, how likely is it that it’s a fluke with the test (or me somehow)? I bought a different kind of test today so when I retest in a few days I can try to verify with the Clearblue if the FR is faint again. But I’m impatient and need another opinion! Thanks!!

Edit: took these yesterday! Going to wait a couple more days and take another pink dye just to make sure it’s getting darker.