Pre-Term Labour


So I came into my maternity assessment unit yesterday at 9:00am for reduced fetal movements and I just felt like something was wrong. They did a CTG and everything looked good but I was still not convinced and had a weird feeling. So they decided to keep me overnight for observations.

They came in at 4:30am this morning to check my BP and babies heart rate. His heart rate was a little low so they put me back on the CTG. I was half awake at this point because they woke me up for the observations. So I started having what I thought we’re just Braxton Hicks contractions but the CTG was showing them at 10 minutes apart for about 30-50 seconds each.

This then prompted the doctor to do an internal exam and check my Cervix, Cervix was closed. But they decided to do a fetal fibronectin swab anyway and it came back positive.

I’m now awaiting an ultrasound so they can have a look at my Cervix properly, and check on baby.

Has anyone else experienced this? What was the outcome?