Birth control stories?

I was thinking of going on birth control because my periods are really irregular, heavy, and I get the WORST cramps and just really bad PMS. I would just take it to regulate my hormones, control my acne, and maybe even get my period less often. I wouldn’t take it for contraceptive purposes since I’m a virgin and don’t plan on being sexually active for a long long time lol.

I’m just really worried that going on the pill will give me really bad side effects. I know everyone is different, but I’m curious to hear your story if you’re on the pill? Did your acne get worse? Did you gain weight? Lose weight? Get headaches more frequently?

I also know there’s a mini pill that’s just progestin (is that right?) and then there’s one that has estrogen as well, and there’s an option that has no placebo pills and if you take that, you’ll have your periods less frequently or that true? I haven’t done much research yet lol but I’m trying to figure out my options before going to the doctor, if I decide to do it.

I’d love to hear your experiences/tips/advice!
