So it’s now been a little over a year since my SO and I started trying... and I’ve gone to see 2 OB/GYN & 1 general endocrinologist and neither one of them have been able to come up with an actual plan on how to help with my PCOS...

Well one day my SO called me saying someone at work recommended this OB that helped their sister conceive after several failed attempts ... so I decided why not??

Well after 6 wks of waiting for my appt, I finally got to see her today and she had an actual plan on what we’re gonna do to help me conceive. She scheduled me an HSG, and my SO has to get a sperm analysis, I got my blood drawn to check my prolactin levels and gotta take an slowly increase my Metformin doses in hopes it’ll lower my testosterone levels.

My doctor says if everything checks out she’ll start me on Clomid or Femara... I’m sooo excited because this is the furthest I’ve gone into an actual TTC plan... what should I expect from the HSG??