Abusive friendships

Ladies, I feel like friendships aren’t given the airtime they deserve. I just ended an abusive, toxic friendship of seven years. He was my best friend growing up. But, every time he had a new boyfriend, he threw me aside and treated me like utter garbage until he got bored of his new boy. He spent time with me when there was something to gain, bullied me, gaslighted me, and when I would confront him about it he would manipulate me into thinking the whole thing was my fault and he was good for staying my best friend.

When I got to college, he’d been my only friend for years. I found new friends, new people who treat me well. And I realized that my self-esteem was crippled, my self-worth was at rock bottom, and I barely believed I was worthy of anyone’s love or attention. They have been so patient and wonderful, and I’ve healed so much with their help.

Moral of this story, a toxic friendship is just as damaging as a toxic relationship. If you have a friend who’s abusive, please get out of the relationship.