Prayers needed and appreciated please🙏🏼

Anyone think your husband and you can go from a “toxic” marriage back to a beautiful one? I posted something about my DH getting slightly physical with me yesterday and everyone is saying to run and leave . I was at fault too, it was a horrible situation and he said he was sorry. I am 31 and don’t want to give up the past 7 years together . I want to be a mom more than anything. In fact I am currently undergoing treatment . (I know this doesn’t look good, but there has been some big life changes and non marital stress lately also, that probably played a factor in what happened and why our argument got so bad). I can’t imagine my life without him though and can’t imagine starting over. I’m at a loss and so sad that this happened. I dream of us being emotionally and physically head over heels in love again and passionate and having a beautiful family, and just want that so so bad... and maybe I’m naive, but I feel like it can happen. Would love some prayers for direction. We’ve been here in the past and have always apologized and moved on, I just don’t want to get to a situation like that ever again. Thank you all so much 🙏🏼♥️ God’s blessings to each of you ♥️