Sippy cup help and bottle help!!!


Does anyone have any tips to help my son understand that he needs to tilt the cup back in order to get the liquid? He will just hold it (slightly at an angle, but not enough to get the water out) and suck and he just gets tons of air and it ends up making him all gassy. He knows how to hold it and how to bring the spout/nipple part to his mouth but he just won’t grasp that he needs to tilt back. Anytime I just tilt the cup up while he’s holding it he gets mad and starts screaming and crying like I just ruined his life 🤣 by the way he is almost 8 months old. And since I’m already posting do any other mommas have problems with their 8 month olds not eating full bottles anymore? I don’t know if it’s because he’s teething but the only time he’ll eat a full bottle (5 oz because he’ll never eat more than that) is in the morning. The rest he might eat 2 oz and then another 1-2 oz bottle an hour later. And then he might eat a 4 oz bottle. But then later only another 1 oz. It’s getting frustrating because I feel like I’m always feeding him since he won’t just take a full bottle. We were on a good schedule of 4-5, 5 oz bottles a day before and now he’s drinking like 7-8 bottles because he’ll only take a little at a time.