Solitary confinement // Canada



We'll see where this goes, but this is amazing!! This is a step forward in human rights for prisoners. It will most likely now get put forward to the Supreme Court of Canada.

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Posted at
YAY! This makes me happy. Solitary confinement is inhumane and disgusting IMO.


Posted at
Hum... so what do we do when a prisoner attack or even murder another one? what would be the punishment in the jail? I don't know, but sounds like a cliche to send to solitary, but what is the alternative?


Co-Producer Speed Weed • Jan 19, 2018
and even prisoners who attempt suicide can get thrown into solitary confinement. It happened to Chelsea Manning. She didn't commit an act of violence against another prisoner. Yet somehow solitary confinement was used on someone who is already mentally distressed. It makes no sense to me how that would "make someone better"


Treanna • Jan 19, 2018
Yes it really is. There are places like in the movies where prisoners are treated worse than animals. They are seen as objects and property and it is sickening. We are the only species that locks each other up in cages and then objectifies them. Punishment is meant to be a learning experience and most prisons and jails don’t teach anything except anger and low self worth


Treanna • Jan 19, 2018
Right I was agreeing with you and expanding for Monkey.


Posted at
I agree with the courts decision.


Posted at
If they killed someone and refused to reform, they can rot in a cell ALONE; I don’t care.


Re • Jan 19, 2018
Oh, if that’s the case then I don’t agree with it.


Ro • Jan 19, 2018
Nope. You can get put in solitary for talking back to a guard.


Re • Jan 18, 2018
You don’t just end up in solitary— don’t you have to do something pretty bad in jail to end up there?


Posted at
I agree with this. I do wonder what they do if an inmate is a threat to others. I wasn’t able to find anything, does anyone have information on this?


Treanna • Jan 19, 2018
But still in gen pop


Treanna • Jan 19, 2018
My thoughts are housed in their own cell and taken special precautions during meal times like cuffs and their own table etc


ViciousTrollop💄🖤🐠 • Jan 17, 2018
Thanks! That makes more sense than solitary, which I honestly think just makes things worse.


Posted at
Solitary confinement does so much damage to a persons mental state, and physical well being! I hope they ban it all over


Ro • Jan 17, 2018
This ruling makes it illegal to do solitary in all of Canadas prisons, right now. The supreme court will probably look at the case and decide to keep the decision (which is likely to happen) or to strike it down.


Posted at
That’s great. Solitary confinement is very cruel and inhumane. We are above that as a species.


Monkey • Jan 18, 2018
I hate so much that argument "we are above that as a species". It is a sin of pride to pretend that. Evolution first do not happen by a few centuries, biologically speaking. Second, we are still animals and a portion of our population carry the genetics that lead to extreme behavior. It is part of diversity, of nature, to mutate randomly and show alternative pattern, good or bad. Nature has no idea of what is bad.


Posted at
I heard this on the radio today. But also watched documentaries on Netflix of Russian prisons where they have to be alone because they don’t deserve the right to influence other prisoners after they murdered people. I’m not sure where I stand. Depends on your crime I guess. Personally I do think we should be rehabilitating people who will be getting out. So they are able to get a job and a life when they’re out not reoffend. A guy I knew and my ex used to deal to went to jail for dealing and he just got out at the end of last year he died today overdose on the drug he was selling. 22 years old dead because he wasn’t rehabilitated. Shitty family, shitty environment, went back to selling and doing drugs and bam dead.


Posted at
It is unconstitutional. Good move Canada. Maybe America will join you in 300 years.