Changing doctors

I met my doctor today! Previously I saw the nurse practitioner. And... I hated her. I hated the way she looked at me like a child. (Yes, I look 18, but I'm actually 30, I got lucky) and I hated how she denied everything I said. I've had two kids already, I think I know how I feel at this point! And even more so I felt like cattle just being pushed along. I didn't get to hear a heartbeat, didn't get to express the two concerns I had, I was ushered into more tests because of the bad healthcare available where my youngest was born. I hated her. So much that I can't sleep because I'm so stressed and worried. It's 1 am and I have to be at work at 7! Is it rude or bad to change doctors? I've never did it with my first two but then again the military didn't give me a choice! Lol now I have the option...