Working on Labor Playlist


I am researching Labor playlists, but they all are heavy in slower sentimental songs. Went I need motivation, those songs don’t cut it. Am I weird for wanting loud and sometimes angry songs? Despacitos or “I am” or Hells Bells are more my style. Give me music I can dance to or yell along with not “all of me” or “daughter” or 90% of the Beatles catalog. I like these songs but when I am frustrated or trying to push through a workout these type of songs piss me off. Give me bass or give me death.

My problem is, the songs I like don’t fit the “wholesome” image of things to let a baby listen to ever. Ear phones are awesome but chances are I will abandon them as the pain peaks. Am I the only one that can’t stand “relaxing music” to relax? Does anyone else like loud music when they need to unwind and focus?

Post you favorite loud bass-ridden songs below as a suggestion. (No dub step or techno suggestions please. That style makes my teeth set on edge.) Please don’t judge music styles or tastes. I totally get the concept of a relaxed labor environment. But if things are too relaxed a ticking clock or someone breathing will piss me off. Loud music helps cover those annoyances)

** planning unmediated and music is really important**