My husband almost beat me with a bat

OKAY, So my husband and little one are sound asleep and I’m sitting here literally starving (not really but you get it). I’m 20 weeks pregnant and just so effing hungry all the time.

So I’m sitting here on the couch and at this point I’m so hungry I checked to see if my child ate all of his chicken nuggets from macdonalds. I know, bad mama moment but I was craving chicken nuggets and I figured why not since my kid absolutely loves them. Macdonalds it is.

Of course I ate my kids last two chicken nuggets, and of course that felt like nothing. 😩

I go in my kitchen and I plan to go to the grocery store this weekend, so besides all of my kids snacks there is nothing to eat. And I’ve already been a shitty mom once tonight and ate his last chicken nuggets so thats a no go.

So, I open the fridge and there’s a can of biscuits and I’m like

But then I realize i have everything to make gravy

So I decide to start making the gravy and at this point I’m trying to get the biscuits open and OF COURSE , they won’t pop open. The stupid ass pull here thing breaks off leaving me with some dud ass biscuits (so I thought). But then, I remembered that you can hit them against something to make them pop open.

So I’m standing in the kitchen and I’m barely hitting these dud ass biscuits against the counter and STILL NOTHING. So, I decide to hit them a little harder and a little harder and a little harder and still nothing. So, at this point I’m still unsure why God is doing this to me when I just want to feed myself and my child and even though I just ate an hour ago if I don’t get these biscuits open, I’m gonna lose my shit.

So, I start banging these biscuits as hard as I can when I hear a noise.

My husband comes rushing in the kitchen with a damn baseball bat ready to kill somebody, y’all. I about grabbed that pan and threw it all over him, because I didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

He thought someone had broke in and thought I was in the bed already.

So, he sees me with these damn biscuits and just looks at me. Seriously for like a solid minute, he just stared at me.

So that is him and I’m standing there like

He finally takes the biscuits from me and GUESS WHAT HE FUCKING DOES... he opens that damn can of biscuits by pulling that broken tab that I worked on for a solid 10 minutes.

After that, he gave me a kiss and I offered to share but he said “no thanks”. Gotta love my sweet protective husband who helps me open biscuits at 12 am and doesn’t judge me. 😂 🤷🏻‍♀️