Kidney Stones are the Devil 🙄


I woke up at 3am yesterday in excruciating pain near my left kidney. I have never felt something so horrid in my life. I typically don’t have a very high pain tolerance to begin with and it made me just want to crawl out of my own body and die.

After a while the pain subsided and I was able to stop screaming/crying/freaking the hell out. It happened again every hour afterwards, longer and just as intense. The breaks of relief seemed to be no where in site. I thought I was going to die, I was pacing the house yelling obscenities in my head to God that he really needed to strike me down if he was going to do it because I couldn’t take much more lol!

My fiancĂ© kept asking if I wanted to go to the ER. Imagine being awakened by, “AHHHHHGHHHHHHH! Ahhhhhhhh my kidney! The fuck! My kidney!” and not be able to do anything about it. Poor guy.

I didn’t want to go to the ER. My insurance is terrible and I am still paying off the last time I had to go there. It was not a good visit and I did not receive the help I needed. For some reason my medical emergencies like to happen in the middle of the night when nothing is open BUT the ER. 😐

So I kept waiting. And waiting. And crying hysterically. And more waiting.

This man was so patient with me. Secretly I know he just wanted to be able to go back to bed but that obviously wasn’t going to happen with me screaming in our tiny apartment. (Thank God the neighbors work nights...)

8am finally came. Med Express was finally open! I walked in as soon as they opened the doors and was helped immeadiately. No bacteria in my urine. Blood, but that is normal. They don’t have a CT setup there so we weren’t able to “know for sure” that it was a kidney stone, but all my symtomps indicated so.

She prescribed me Tylenol with Codeine. She didn’t want to give me any pain medicine and I know with the whole pain-killer/drug epidemic we seem to have here, I get it. I honestly thought she wasn’t going to give me anything so I was thrilled I wasn’t stuck with OTC Tylenol. It helps for a while and certainly takes the edge off and I’m very strict about not taking another until the 8 hour point comes around and longer if I don’t need it. I just really wish the damn thing would pass already!

I just wanted to post here to see your experiences with kidney stones. Any supplements you take to support kidney function or that may help stones pass? Foods you stay away from and what is your water intake on average? I know that I was not drinking enough water (I actually hate it) but guess who hates kidney stones more? This girl. It’s my new goal to cut out soda completely and take the best preventative steps to never have another one of these again.

I also want to commend all the mothers out there. I’ve never given birth and I don’t think I could if I can’t take a damn kidney stone lol. đŸ€Ż