baby proofing question..

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

this might sound dumb so sorry in advance.. I've seen a lot of talk around glow about Montessori bedrooms or just having baby's bedroom completely baby proofed when it's time ti switch to a toddler bed. my daughter is only a year so we're not quite there, but lately all she wants to do is go play in her room and I want to know that she's completely safe in there without either following her or turning on the monitor. the pictures I've seen of these bedrooms have me questioning how baby proof are they REALLY? I mean, my daughter still chews on books and even something as small as a piece of paper she's gnawed off could be a choking hazard. And what about those stuffed animals with the button eyes? How do you manage to plug the baby monitor in without having the cord accessible? (or being forced to move furniture to a spot you don't like it)