20 week scan - naughty baby!!


Our 20 weeks scan was yesterday I have been waiting for what feels like forever. Our last scan was at 7w6d!!

We confirmed his gender, another little.m boy 😍😍 and then he flipped over to his belly and hid!!! THE WHOLE TIME!!! he kicked and wiggled but wouldn’t flip back over! We never got to see his little face 😭😭

They dodgy to check his heart out, brain, eyes, measure arms and legs and length and everything is perfect!!

Is he 15ounces already (1 oz from a pound!)

And is measuring in at 21w1d and his arms and legs are measuring in the 97th % at 21w6d!!! Again I was 20w1d!!

Luckily I am going back next week and we are going to try to eat his little face!! I love my doctor she is seriously amazing ❤️❤️