How we conceived our FIRST month trying!

I’m no expert, but here is my story and theories of how we conceived our first month trying. Some background info: my husband is 30 and I’m 28. Married for two years.

My husband and I started seriously talking about starting our family over a year ago now. I mentioned it to my doctor and she recommended starting prenatal vitamins immediately and that ideally to have taken them a YEAR before trying to conceive. This worked out for us though because due to different life interruptions we decided to start trying October of this year (1 year later).

I got off the pill in January which allowed my body enough time to naturally regulate itself again. I took my prenatals pretty religiously everyday. A little tip; get a GOOD prenatal vitamin! NOT One a Day or Centrum! Do your research. I’m happy to share the supplements I took if you guys are interested but I highly recommend everyone educate themselves as it is valuable info. I fully believe in supplements and credit mine largely to successfully conceiving. PS, your partner should be taking a good vitamin as well! It’s not all on the ladies, and both of you will benefit from taking folic acid.

I actually used the ferning method of determining ovulation. Ferning is a method of using a small ovulation microscope daily to analyze your morning saliva to find the “ferning” pattern which indicates ovulation. I wasn’t able to track it with every cycle, but I did enough so to have a good indication of when I usually ovulated.

Once I knew which days were best to conceive we planned a romantic getaway correlating with my peak days. This was great to insure we’d both be “in the mood”. We also thought it would probably be our last trip alone together for a while... What I believe is most important here is to keep it fun and enjoy each other. Don’t let the stress or pressure of ttc get in the way. We did the BD 4 times in my ovulation window using Conceive Plus lubricant. The most important days being the day before and day of ovulation. Sorry if this is tmi but we also made sure I reached orgasm each time as it is thought that this may be beneficial. I also laid in bed for 20 min after each time to allow nature to take it’s course 😉. 2 weeks later and we were shocked to find out I was pregnant on our first month trying.

P.S as a side note, once we knew we were ready to start ttc, I gave up all the crappy food I would sometimes eat and tried to exercise when I could even if it was just a walk around the neighborhood. No more diet pop and Cheetos! Not sure if it truly necessary, but it made at least feel as though I was giving any potential baby the best start I could.