Home Birth!

We just had our home visit with the midwives today. So excited for this baby to get here and about our plan for his/her arrival.
I will be 37 weeks on Saturday, which is when the midwives can legally assist the birth, so happy to have almost made it that far. 
Everything is progressing as it should. Baby is head down and starting to descend. Have been feeling increased pelvic pressure. They said he/she is measuring about 5 lbs. 
I'm so anxious and ready, but know it will be best for the baby to come closer to the due date, June 20th. 
Loving keeping up with all of you out there in Grow land. Helping me to understand the different things I am experiencing. 
Still haven't felt any BH contractions, but I am a FTM so, not sure what exactly they are.
Anyway, just feeling so excited after our home visit and wanted to share. Hope you are all feeling as well as possible!