Still coping (Can anybody relate)


When I Found out that I have HVSII it broke me down to pieces,day by day I cope with it(really have no choice...right?) I thought I was really over it,I accepted that I had it,day by day take my acyclovir or the herbal route Tea tree oil to reduce my Outbreaks. I only told a selective few like closest friends ,They help me take my mind off it but it’s been times when I just wanted to end it all,Taking medicine for the rest of my life was not part of my plan at all.

It’s been time that we’re ive seen my Ex who gave it too me,I haven’t told him that he gave it to me because i don’t wanna put all my business out there and he just deny it and flip it out on me😔 I feel like nobody really understands me I still haves questions,fears about hvsll

2017 I took a vow that I was going to get out this Herpes Dump and move on but how can I when I can’t help but think about it,and it’s like when I think I got everything figured out about Outbreaks and types of medication I have a outbreak I really hate my life.And even in 2018 still going threw the same Bs