So...I tested again...

I tested again this morning 3 days til AF, I know it's soon still and there's still a chance, I didn't have time to look at it it looked negative at idk I guess it's waiting for me when I get home from work. The thing that bugs me is I have such a long cycle every month...if I had a normal 28 day cycle I would be late by now, if I had a 30 day cycle AF would be due today, but I have a 32-33 day cycle, I haven't ever tested for ovulation before, but I just recently read on the package of a pg test, that if you don't lay the test down flat for 2 minutes the test may not work been holding it mostly flat the entire time, could I be testing wrong?!? Looks like I'll be buying a FRER today, and testing again tomorrow and seeing what happens. In the mean time I'm super bummed hoping I'm not out yet