
Des • Oliver Jackson DeSimone💚
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Got induce on April 1st I got the gel twice and walk around to help dilate more. I then got pitocin (I think that's how you spell it) and then around 10pm I got epidural. Then they broke my water I started dilating fast. They lower my epidural so I can feel my contractions. I started pushing around 4:10am. I push a couple times and she slide out the rest. She was born April 2nd at 4:15 6 pounds 4oz😊


Serenity🐠 • May 30, 2015
Your welcome! Yeah I had to be induced because of my blood pressure. I always hear labor for first time mom takes forever but from start to finish mines was only 16 hours!


Des • May 30, 2015
Thank you I've been waiting for this little guy to arrive on his own for a while now so im mostly just excited and will be relieved. I love hearing positive stories it helps a lot knowing the epidural works well for most people I am getting it :)


Serenity🐠 • May 30, 2015
Your welcome, and I didn't really feel the contractions after I got the epidural at least not until I had to push and it wasn't that bad. I'm really glad I got the epidural it was amazing and it work really well. I hope everything goes well best advice I got was just go in with a open mind. I was scare of giving birth but it turn out to be amazing experience. and I was 39 weeks Scw.


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April 13th my water started leaking went to the hospital they wanted me to go home and if labor didn't start natural come back in 24 hours I chose to stay. April 14th around 2pm I was 1cm after cervidil(spell check) walking ect still not dilating. So they started the pitocin that got things goin! Contractions were hell got pain meds. Labored until 12am asked for epidural when dilated to 5cm slept until 530 woke up feeling like I needed to push Dr came I started pushing at 6am my son was here at 604. Best day of my life! 


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Went in on 3/29 and started pitocin at 11am. Was 2cm dialated and 90% effaced. Got the epidural at 5cm sometime that evening and was just progressing really slowly. Started pushing at 9:15am the following day and my doctor noticed something was wrong and her heart rate started dropping. Had an assisted delivery and was one push away from a csection but I was able to get her out vaginally. She was born at She had the cord wrapped around her neck and muchonium (however you spell it). So scary, she didn't cry right away and my room swarmed with doctors and nurses. She had to go to the nicu for an hour to be monitored and she was fine thankfully! My husband and I were able to hold her for a few minutes before her getting monitored. 


Breann • May 30, 2015
Happy and healthy 2 year old 😊 I also didn't move around much during labor, just sat in bed waiting.


Des • May 30, 2015
Oh no I couldn't imagine that's so scary! That is a long labor but im glad shes healthy and okay thanks for sharing :)