Clearblue digital. HELP!!!!

Please can someone help me, my doctor won't see me until I'm 8 weeks pregnant. My LMP was 26/04/15 I did a hpt on 20/05/15 and got a faint positive the next day I went out and bought a clearblue digital showed pregnant 1-2 weeks. My lines have been so faint so I left it and re-tested on 26/05/15 showed pregnant but still  1-2 weeks, I've left it and tested again today and it's showing pregnant and yes again 1-2 weeks. Has this happened to anyone else? Shouldn't it show 2-3 weeks by now? 
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My last period date is the same as yours and I got 1-2 weeks on the 22nd. I think it's measuring how much of that chemical is in your urine. The stronger it is, the more "weeks" it'll give you. I've read on this app tho about many women who didn't even get a positive test until months into their pregnancy. I wouldn't panic. Just make good choices and wait out that first appointment. I'm right there with ya. June 25 can't come soon enough. 


Posted at
8wks from 26/04/15, count them out on your calendar. Clear blue calculates from your likely ovulation, physicians calculate from your last period


Ley • May 30, 2015
Thank you karaline will check again in a week fingers crossed it changes.


🌸Karaline🐝 • May 30, 2015
Between the 20th and the 26th though it probably wouldn't have changed, wait a week (or two) more and try again, once again though, don't stress about it!


🌸Karaline🐝 • May 30, 2015
It all depends on when you ovulated, if it was closer to 1wk on your first time and you're not between 2-3 yet it may not have changed. Don't stress though, it's no good for baby, it's no good for mama


Posted at
The week estimator says "for entertainment purposes only" on the box!