Break Up

SORRY ITS LONG!!! I'm  having difficulty dealing with the break up of my boyfriend (as anyone else would) he's had me hanging on by a string for months and I was scared that at any point he could cut it but he kept saying he wants to keep me here and make it work because he didn't know what he wanted. So dealing with this for some time now he finally decided he didn't feel the same way for me anymore and I am just heartbroken. I realize I was depending on him for my happiness and that was so wrong of me. I miss him so much I lost a best friend and I miss every little thing about him except for the fact that we would have arguments that made me very upset. I don't know how to move on and live without him. I don't think I will ever stop loving him. I have never cared so deeply for anyone before. I'd love to hear anyone's stories or how you got over a serious relationship/ how you're working on it. XOXO