When will it happen for us?


Any other wives/fiancés/girlfriends of firefighters?

I’m so sad right now. My wonderful, amazing and sweet husband studied so hard for his interview at a fire station near us and we were soooo hopefully!

We really had such a great feeling about it. He said he killed it in the interview and felt it was an amazing interview. I’m not too familiar on how they do things in the firefighting career but they interviewed 100 or so guys and then they have a second interview with the chief. But they limit how many people can have an interview with the chief (which totally makes sense). So they limited it to 10 people and my hubby was number 28.

He doesn’t want to say it out loud but I know how beat up he is about not being even close to be chosen for an interview.

There’s not much we can do about it of course except keep applying to other places. I guess we just got our hopes up about it because we really want a baby and are TTC and getting a job firefighting’s is something he really wants.

• Anywho, any advice from fellow wives of firefighters?

• How long did it take your sweetheart to get hired at a fire station?

• Any advice they could offer?

Thanks so much guys! It means a lot to me.