No energy HELP

Quin • 27. Artist. Wife. Vegetarian. Animal lover. Mama to Dyson and excited to be pregnant with our second son Lennox.
Hey ladies I am 19 weeks pregnant and am so exhausted all the time. Yesterday I convinced my son who is down to one nap a day to take two so I could sleep with him because I didn't think I could make it to when my husband got home from work let alone night time. And even with both naps I was having a hard time making it to bed time!! Does anyone have any advice on getting my energy up? I eat healthy three meals a day with fruit and veggi snacks as well as I am active and run 5k every seconed day or so... I don't think I have EVER been this tired. I find I'm losing my patience so fast, which makes me feel like a bad mom. 😩