Need to vent

Hi all, I’m very frustrated and upset. My hubby and I had a miscarriage in December, it’s been a horrible ride- we lost the baby at 8 weeks and should have been 9. I had a D&C; 12/15. My period came back a month later which I was very happy about and now I started tracking my ovulation with opk and I got the high for the past four days and the peak yesterday and today. We dtd Friday and Sunday but I really wanted to do it yesterday bc I got the peak fertility and it’s highest then and he was being difficult. He says he doesn’t like when it feels planned and just Wants it to happen natruealy. Why are men so difficult!?!! Who cares for it’s planned or not- we had a miscarriage and I miss our baby and I’m understandably anxious to have another one. I also be 39 in 5 months and dont have all the time in the world. He was like this before the miscarriage too and would say he didn’t like that we had to plan it but that’s the way it goes. Some things in life need to be planned. Does anyone know once we have the peak how long you have to dtd? We didn’t do it yesterday so I’m hoping he comes around and it happens today!