Caught up

All my life up until I was 12 I was physically, mentally/emotionally & economically abused by my biological father. My older sister was sexually abused for 9 years, I wasn’t allowed to see any of my other family, I wasn’t allowed to have friends over or go to anyone’s house, that’s if I was even lucky enough to have a friend, he didn’t even let me go to school often. Not even 2/5 days a week. I’m 17 now and moved away with my immediate family but I absolutely can’t wait to leave, everything’s starting to effect me, none of this hit me until a few weeks ago where I’m starting to realise how bad it was, I previously knew it was bad but I’m now mad, furious, frustrated and full of anxiety. It’s affecting me now more than ever. I’m scared of talking to people and going to school, it’s at the point where I won’t do any school work or won’t hand anything in bc I’m scared I’ll fail. It’s ruining everything right now. And I’ve noticed lately a lot more scents etc that “trigger” me and like take me back, then I can’t stop thinking about it and its always a never ending cycle. I even have dreams that were all a “happy family” again and it scares the living shit out of me bc i don’t want that, but that’s what my brain is dreaming and it frustrates me so much oml I don’t know what to do.