I’ve had problems for a while with pain in sex and discomfort below

I’ve had problems for a while with pain in sex and discomfort below. Months down the line the hospital ruled out problems and I was left to deal with it.
​A couple of months after that I had an abnormal smear which confirmed I had HPV.
​I always had the scare in my head that it would never happen for me, convinced there was something wrong.
​Me and my partner discussed this and we knew we were in a strong place to start trying. I had no idea it would only take two months guided by the app!!
​Now I’m sitting here crying (happy tears) after taking a test and the two lines showing up instantly.
​I had a 2 day period before so I’m wondering if it may have been implantation bleeding and I’m further than I think! Either way I am absolutely shocked and delighted and scared but happy!
​I never actually looked into what to do if I did become pregnant, next step I presume getting a clear blue test then booking an appointment at the GP!