Ultrasound at 34weeks, but not for the reason I want


So I just got a call from my doctor yesterday & he told me I have partial placenta previa.. which means a small part (in my case) of my placenta is covering my cervix. Btw he said it was on my last ultrasound which I had at 20w & I’m now 30w & just being informed about it😡😑 So now I have to get an US at 34w to see if it moved (which hopefully it has) & everything is going to be okay. If it hasn’t, then we’ll have to talk about the next steps we’re going to take which could be a C-Section delivery & I’m trying to give a natural med free birth. So I’m hoping it moves 🤞🏾 Has any of you ladies had this before & it moved out the way or you still delivered vaginally?