Hosting your own CO-ED baby shower?


I know I’m not even pregnant yet, but I’m obsessive and think about everything to do with my hopefully near future pregnancy. My husband and I talk about it ALL of the time! It’s hard not to look forward to the little details.

So, DH and I have a good group of friends of both sexes. His family is pretty much non existent besides his mom and my family (besides an Aunt and Uncle) are all 12 hours away in New Jersey.

My mom passed away when I was a teen and we don’t really have “best friends” who would offer to host a shower for us.

We really just want to have a celebration when the time is near.

We’re thinking of hosting our own co-ed baby shower and making it just a hang-out, eat food, play yard games, type of shower.

What would you guys think if you were invited to a co-ed shower?

I personally would love it but I know that not everyone feels the same as me.

Also to add: our Aunt and Uncle are in their 70’s (she’s actually my god mother)... but she’s very picky about doing things for people and I would never wish it upon myself to ask her to host one for us.

You would have to know her to understand.

I love her to death... but she’s cranky.

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