Is it appropriate for boss to ask?


I am 6.5 month pregnant, and I was at a work meeting with a group. I told people in the meeting that I was expecting (most did not know before the meeting), and expect me to be out at such and such date. Of note, most of the people in the meeting were men. They started saying, “wow I can’t even tell you are pregnant!”

My boss who was in the meeting told me to, “stand up and let us see!”

I ignored the comment and continued to discuss the work topics/planning at hand. Hoping she wound just drop it.

She said it again, “now stand up! We want to see if we can tell or not!”

I got incredibly awkward. I finally said that I am not comfortable doing that.

About an hour later, she came to my office to discuss work Matter. Without asking me, she picked up a pair of scissors on my desk and started cutting the raw edge of the silk dress I was wearing.

I told her that the dress was designed that way, and “raw edge silk” is just the way it is. She said, “oh, I thought your dress was torn. I was just trying to help! Why are you always so upset?”

I really need to keep this job and any advice on how to talk to her to establish boundaries would be helpful.

UPDATE: I work with mostly men. In the meeting, my boss and I were the only females. It would have been very odd to stand and let a group of 8 men (and her) look at my body and decide on whether I look pregnant or not. At least this is what I would feel. Just for context’s sake.