Answers please on Mittelschmerz (ovary/ovulation pain)

Esther • November 2016 birth club

I get the monthly left or right sided ovarian pain during my fertile week. Last cycle in April it was early Friday on CD15 and this cycle in May it was early Saturday morning on CD16. So pretty consistent give or take a day.

Here's the question I can't seem to find the answer to on the Internet.

Q: Does that mittelschmerz pain signal the BEGINNING or END of ovulation.

Ie is the pain as a result of the egg about to burst out or is it pain we get once ovulation has completed and is the residual bruising/cramps etc...??

Any opinion / input would be greatly appreciated. This then helps me to know if I've missed or the egg is actually on its way.

Baby dust to us all TTC'ers 🌟🌟