Surprise Pregnancy. How to tell hubby???

If you have already had kids, you remember knowing that "feeling" you were pregnant well before the test confirmed it. I haven't even gotten my missed period but I knew I was pregnant and the test has confirmed it. My hubby and I have 2 amazing children. We were content with our family the way it is. We have an 8 year old boy, and 5 year old girl. Life is perfect. Every once in awhile I got baby fever and would ask my hubby if he wanted to expand the family. His response was a firm "no way!" I'm actually on birth control and still got pregnant. I'm so nervous to tell him. A million things are going through my mind. Will he be in shock, but accept it and be happy? Will he think I purposely planned it? Or worse, will he be disappointed? I need any advice on how to break the news in a calm way, and accept of the idea that he may not jump for joy, just as I didn't at first. Congrats to all the other momma's reading this. :)