How do you pass time??

I'm only 8w4d today and I have soooooo far to go. How on earth do you pass time day by day without constantly obsessing over the little joy you're creating? Time goes by soooo slow waiting for week by week to go by. Any ideas?? 
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Set dates for milestones. I feel like getting out of the first trimester took forever! My next one was finding out if baby was a boy or girl.. Now just waiting to hit the 3rd! The second trimester has been flying by though! 


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Every time I log my symptoms I get all excited that time has passed and it would only be a few hours later hahaI guess working two full time jobs passes the time for me. :)


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I feel the same at 9 weeks 5 days! :-/


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I'm the same and I'm only 5 weeks!!