Herpes while pregnant 💔

This may be sorta long, so I'm sorry ahead of time.

I'm 28w3d pregnant with my baby girl. Her dad and I were friends who ended up with this miracle by accident but we are happy. We aren't technically a couple but we trying to work at that. Well I went to my OB today to be told I have herpes. First outbreak in my life.. never experienced anything like this before. He gave me valacyclocir and a big long speech about "how I'm still the same person and this doesn't change me" well between all the tears it went in one ear and out the other. My OB told me that neither of us are to blame as either one of us could have caught this 10 years ago or 10 days ago but the main thing is to work through it.. I've played out 37482 different things in my head.. considered not telling him but I know that if I'm the one who is to blame for this he deserves to know.. And as I'm currently sitting here bawling my eyes out I'm seeking advice on how to ask my child's father if he knowingly has HSV or least let him know that I found out that I do. I know he's going to more than likely judge me or be upset.. which I'm excepting. He's away with the Army right now but I still feel as if I need answers. I'm so heartbroken and I know the stress and tears aren't good for my baby. And I know the stress isn't going to make this any better but I'm confused on 100 different levels.. I'm speechless honestly. I just need some advice on how to deal or how to talk to him about it. 💔😭