ABORTION. I will never forgive myself!.

November 2017 i found out i was pregnant. I told my boyfriend we was going to be having a baby. Now days after i kept thinking to myself its not fair to bring a baby into this mess. Now if your wondering what i mean by that its because all me and my boyfriend seem to do is argue everyday, when he's not around me i'm so much more of a happy person. We already have a son so this baby would've been #2. My son is almost 9 months old. When i fell pregnant with my son my boyfriend started showing his true self. He constantly argues with me, throws things at me and has also hit me. Because of how he is i can't get away from him, i cry when i look at my son because i just think to myself its all my fault my sons in the middle of all of this and its my fault i brought him into this mess. He's brought knives into the bedroom while me and my son are in here threatening to kill himself, He's put things around his neck. This all happens when i try to leave him also. I've tried to get me and my son away from this but we constantly get threats. I can't trust him alone with my son. So that all kind of sums up why i got the abortion i didn't want another baby brought into my mess. Plus he forced the abortion on me. Now when i think of what i done never being able to meet my baby it haunts me everyday and its broke my heart. i will never forgive myself. My boyfriends words were "If you and our son leave me i will end my life and make sure i have a note saying you made me do it, see how you live your life then!" I'm afraid because i know if i leave or tell anyone his family will also threaten me and my son. He hasn't got a job i'm struggling my life is awful i pratically don't wanna live no more. I'm trapped! i lost a baby and have given my son an awful life not being able to get away. I can't cope no more