What’s going on w/ me?????😩


So let me take you back to my last period.

It was a normal period in the beginning. Nothing different from my others. Then like 4 days into it starts to go wackadoo on me. It stoped for like 8 days then came back for the last 2 days. Now, at this point my cramps were very very bad. Then it was over.

That was about 2 months ago. I haven’t gotten my period since. I have been having my period for about 2 1/2 years now so you would think I would be on a normal schedule. Ever since my last period finished, I have been very bloated and my cramps are also there. I have no idea what to do. I’m only 13 y/o and I am fairly healthy, so I don’t know why I would be having problems.

I have no clue if I should go to my regular doctor or if I should go to an OBGYN.

Any suggestions???!