Removal of Mirena

AlyCat😼 • expecting baby #2

Okay I had my iud in for 4 1/2 years and never had a cycle I had some spotting but that was back in Jan 2017 I recently took out my iud on Jan 10 2018 and had period like spotting the 3rd day it was removed and lasted about 4 days .. do I count that as my AF for the calendar Husband and I had sex the first day it was removed and the Second and then started again after I was done spotting I’ve taken 3 test and the recent one came out vvvvfl that you could only see inverted

I’m not sure what to expect but should I take those days as my regular period

Or could I get pregnant from all the times we’ve done it And im ovulating this week that started Wednesday and ends Sunday I think

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I got my iud out on dec 1st, and like you I haven’t had a regular period but for about 8 years. I spotted a couple days after the removal but didn’t actually start my period until dec 30th it lasted almost two weeks and it was sooo heavy! I figured my body was making up from all those years of nothing! I haven’t started my second period yet but I am hoping it’s more normal. So I would say that wasn’t your period based on my experience, but everyone is different.


Am • Jan 27, 2018
We deff are ttc as well, good luck!


AlyCat😼 • Jan 27, 2018
True they doctor said it might take up to 3 months for me to get my regular cycle going but I should be okay ttc


Posted at
Took me 4 months to get regular after getting mine out.