How to you hurt??

I'm talking about pre-period or even for some pre-pregnant, how your achyness happen for you does?

I just know that before I made 25, I had conventional PMS symptoms (moodiness, cramps in front, breast soreness a week before it would come, back pain on the <a href="">eve</a> of the crimson tide) but as time as surely passed, things have changed... For example, my back pain persists from the week of ovulation and on, the breast soreness feel more like hot irons poking from inside, and I get pain in my legs and this is the most peculiar part for me- I hurt down the sides of my thighs and sometimes down the innerthigh too.

I don't know why the switch happened or if it's hormones or something, but it's definitely off base and I'm wondering if anyone else has gone through the same, or just how it happens in general