Need opinions please

I downloaded this app to keep a better track of my cycles and what not. I am not trying to get pregnant but if it happened my fiance and i would be thrilled. So anyways I've had hormonal issues for a while. I bled for 9 months straight this last year and a little into this year and finally found a doctor who helped me. He put me on 3 birth control pills each morning for a week to reset my menstruation cycles. It worked! I had a normal light 4 day period in march from the 9th to the 12th then this may again normal to my excitement and was also the 9th to the 12th. Here is where it gets strange for me..

So on may 25th I think i ovulated as the <a href="">period tracker</a> app I have said that was my ovulation day and I did have lots of EWCM. The very next day the 26th I started getting very mild cramps and bad lower back pain and the same for the 27th. The 28th back pain was gone just had mild cramps and became very bloated and gassy belching etc which is unusual for me. My next expected period is still 2 weeks out at this point. Then the 29th I had no cramps but I couldn't get up i literally slept all day and night and had a nightmare about my mom and an I driving off an icy cliff and the fall gave me butterflies and i woke up bawling. The 30th mild to medium cramps, grumpy, crying over everything, don't feel right, gassy galore, weird heart palpitations only once when I sat down, and started getting a runny nose, and today cramps have been a little worse but come and go.. have very watery CM.. sharp shooting pain in chest I think it's heart burn idk, still belching a lot too.

Sorry this is so long. I just find it weird to have cramps this early and it's not ovulation cramps as its cramping in my private part area and all throughout my middle like menstrual cramps. I normally have these symptoms the day before I start so any ideas? I have had unprotected sex quite a few times this month but we use the pull out method and i don't think I'm pregnant with cramps like these and no other symptoms like sore boobs and stuff but everyone is different.

Any thoughts would be nice I'd love to hear from you all and thank you!