Ovulation ?


Okay so I’ll try to explain this the best that I can and include a picture for visual reference. So my boyfriend and I have been humping like bunnies this past week , Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday (completely unintentionally). We’re not trying but we’re not trying to avoid it by any means, we just miscarried a baby two months ago and want another one in the near future. Well the past 3 days or so I’ve been getting a really thick, white heavy discharge. I thought maybe I could be ovulating so I looked to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period calendar</a> and sure enough I was on my most fertile day of predicted ovulation. But then when I logged my cervical mucus it said that thick white discharge is not optimal for fertility and usually discharge will be clear and stringy when you’re most fertile. Do I have a good chance at seeing those two lines this month or does my cervical mucus say otherwise?